Lynzi Scholz

To hear her tell it, “I don't think of myself as an artist but a person with a creative spirit driven by my ADHD's need for new & shiny things”. All the shiny things have lead Lynzi Scholz to make her mark as an all around artist. Whether it be ballroom dance, pop culture renderings on canvas, or photography, Lynzi provides a unique view point and story to every project.

Even if this was all she had in her arsenal Lynzi would be a master but add to to these artistic skills, a mind for upcycling, an eye for unique pieces, skilled sewing and costuming and the ability to bring it all together, Lynzi is always up for a new challenge. The search for shiny things has called her to create logos, dabble in digital renderings, and travel the world to learn new perspectives and share those experiences in every piece. Review her portfolios, see for yourself, Lynzi will not disappoint.



“We hired Lynzi for a medium size event in early October. She showed up on time and got us some great set up shots. Just as we were set to begin it started raining, this did not stop her. She protected her gear and kept snapping away. Our event was on a Saturday, by Tuesday I had pictures in hand. We also own one of Lynzi's more artistic photos which really highlights her versatility.”

—Tiffany J- Panic at the Plaza

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